Day 364 – 23rd May 1987

Noon Summary Log

Day: 364
Date: 23rd May 1987
Latitude: 27° 27.3′ S
Longitude: 35° 46′ W
Water Temperature: 23.6°C
Wind @ Noon: 14 SW
Max Wind /24 hours: 35-50 NW
Min Wind /24 hours: 14 SW
Cloud Cover 3/8
Cabin Temperature: 24°C
Outside Temperature: 23°C
Barometer: 1014

Source: CUL00045/10


  • Completed & hung out another lot of washing. Soaked first in sea water & detergent then washed in sea water & detergent, then sea water & shampoo. Unfortunately I did not have enough fresh water for a fresh water rinse which means the clothes & sheets will be damp & though smelling sweet now will adopt a dank smell in due course.

Source: CUL00058/1