Day 541 – 15th November 1987

Noon Summary Log

Day: 541
Date: 15th November 1987
Latitude: 52° 25.3′ S
Longitude: 84° 48.5′ W
Water Temperature: 7.2°C
Wind @ Noon: 5 WNW
Max Wind /24 hours: 40-50 N
Min Wind /24 hours: CALM
Cloud Cover 6/8
Cabin Temperature: 14°C
Outside Temperature: 11.5°C
Barometer: 1000

Source: CUL00045/15


  • One does not expect to be out of wind on the Chilean side, but out of wind I am. My US Pilot chart says 0% calm in this region – liar! My US Pilot charts often tell lies!

Source: CUL00058/1