Day 584 – 28th December 1987

Noon Summary Log

Day: 584
Date: 28th December 1987
Latitude: 0° 13.2′ S
Longitude: 28° 41′ W
Water Temperature: 27.6°C
Wind @ Noon: 12 SE
Max Wind /24 hours: 18 SE
Min Wind /24 hours: 12 SE
Cloud Cover 5/8
Cabin Temperature: 32°C
Outside Temperature: 30.4°C
Barometer: 1007
Ships Seen: 1

Source: CUL00045/16


  • Huge – huge oil tanker starboard side horizon.
  • The beep beep (beep) stove is still playing up. It is a dangerous thing. Whilst in the cockpit this morning – to get away from its smoke it stopped making gas & poured out liquid kerosene which smoke filled & blackened the cabin. Of late I only light the stove twice a day morning & evening & one burner only. I wish I had the stove I originally prescribed. I wish a lot of things had just been left to me.
  • North of the equator now

Source: CUL00058/1